Matilla Hatsuyari

Bairon by blood

Hatsuyari by heart

Who is she?

Matilla was born to the desert-dwelling tribe known as the Bairon and spent her life in the south western reaches of the steppe they inhabit until she was 19, when The Calamity struck Eorzea. She decided to strike out even further west shortly after with a strong need to find out what happened. She knew the world beyond her tribe would be wrought with hardships, but surely it was nothing she couldn’t handle.

Growing up, this xaela began to develop more scales than most of her kind bear. This is a trait that’s been seen in recent generations of the Bairon and help to protect them against the harsh environments they frequently explore. Another interesting feature they have begun to develop is larger than normal canine teeth and a longer than normal tail, both of which are present with her. These evolutionary aids help the Bairon, but also set them apart from the other tribes. Sometimes these differences are seen in a negative light.

As the Bairon are built for dry climates, humidity can cause damage to their scales unless dried properly. They will dull, peel, and often painfully crack like dry skin if unattended. Matilla is no exception.

It's been 5 long years since the day she chose to venture out, and she's back home. What did she see and experience out there? Whatever it was, you wouldn't know just from looking at her.Barely acting her age, Matilla is easily emotional, becoming flustered and blushing or pouting as quickly as she'll break into a laugh. She's also incredibly stubborn to the point of it being a detriment, refusing to give up on something until it's almost too late.If presented with sweet fruits, she will jump for such novelties with barely a second thought.
Matilla also loves listening to the rain, despite the damage it can cause to her scales if she doesn't dry them properly.

Something to note about this Bairon, interestingly enough, is the scent of Steppe wildflowers with a touch of a sweet mint that comes from her.
Her skin is smooth and her scales nicely polished, clearly well taken care of.
Due to her pale complexion, when Matilla blushes, her cheeks turn a blue color that can rival her scales in some situations.

Matilla is a girl that the world has tried to break because of who she is. It is for this reason that it has failed.


Matilla, despite being a xaela, is often shy around people she doesn't know. Where others would be confident and boisterous, she has reason to be hesitant.
However, those who are able to befriend her find someone they can depend on in any situation and will not hesitate to fight for or with them.

Akito Hatsuyari: Guardian and Hero of her heart.
By pure chance these two met, and he helped give Matilla her life back. She quickly found herself wishing to spend the rest of it by his side.

Nomolun Dotharl: Sister of another desert tribe.
It didn't take long after meeting for them to become very close friends. If anyone can help her feel more at home in the steppe, it's Nomolun.

Altani Bairon, Mother, 50
Kindly and warm. Just try not to upset her.
Harghasun Bairon, Father, 54.
The stern fatherly type... or is he?

(There is always room for more friends in her life! This page is not yet finished.)

Location and possible hooks

Garlean make: The large gun on her back is clearly from the empire, even if the insignias have been removed. Perhaps you recognize this, perhaps you're a Garlean yourself. Maybe don't let her know about the second part.

  • A helping hand: Need someone to help you survive in the wild? Maybe you just need someone to watch your back for a while. She isn't about to ignore the plight of those in need.

  • A sword without a blade: More like a sheath, old and worn from unseen battles that stands out against her figure and weapon of choice.

Home world of Malboro, Crystal Data center

OOC Information

Hello hello, and thank you very much for taking your time to read through the profile of this lady from the steppe!
Matilla is probably my favorite character I've made, and it makes me really happy to get to play her with everyone.
I've been rping for longer than I'm comfortable admitting in public, so don't be afraid to approach me! I know this page may not look like much and I may be slow to start rps, but if you're willing to give me a chance, I'll do my best not to let you down!
Anything relating to the Bairon Tribe (coming soon) is just interpretation and Headcanon.